Electric Bicycles Price in Pakistan

543 items found for "Electric Bicycles"
Rs. 559
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Electric Bicycles: Revolutionizing Your Commute with Efficiency and Eco-Friendliness

Electric Bicycles: Revolutionizing Your Commute with Efficiency and Eco-Friendliness

The Advantages of Electric Bicycles

  • Eco-Friendly: E-bikes produce zero emissions and reduce your carbon footprint, making them an environmentally friendly mode of transportation.
  • Efficient Commuting: With electric assistance, you can cover longer distances with less effort, making your daily commute faster and less strenuous.
  • Cost-Effective: E-bikes are more economical than traditional automobiles, with lower operational and maintenance costs.
  • Health Benefits: Riding an e-bike provides physical activity and can improve your overall health and fitness.

Top Electric Bicycles on Daraz.pk

Product Price (PKR)
Xiaomi HIMO C20 E-Bike
Price: 49,999 PKR
The Xiaomi HIMO C20 E-Bike offers a foldable design, making it ideal for urban commuting and easy storage. It features a powerful electric motor and long-lasting battery life.
Ancheer Electric Mountain Bike
Price: 59,999 PKR
The Ancheer Electric Mountain Bike is designed for outdoor enthusiasts. It provides electric assistance on rugged terrain and allows you to explore trails effortlessly.
S-Ride Electric Bicycle
Price: 36,999 PKR
The S-Ride Electric Bicycle is a budget-friendly option for those looking for a simple and efficient e-bike. It's perfect for daily commuting and short trips.
RKS EBike 1000W
Price: 54,999 PKR
The RKS EBike 1000W is a powerful electric bicycle with a high-capacity battery and a robust frame. It's suitable for both urban and off-road adventures.
Merax 26" Electric Mountain Bike
Price: 58,999 PKR
The Merax Electric Mountain Bike combines style and performance. It's equipped with a suspension fork for a comfortable ride on various terrains.


Electric bicycles are revolutionizing the way we commute, offering an efficient, eco-friendly, and enjoyable mode of transportation. Daraz.pk provides a diverse selection of electric bicycles, including the top picks mentioned above, to cater to various commuting and recreational needs. Whether you prefer the portability and style of the Xiaomi HIMO C20, the ruggedness of the Ancheer Mountain Bike, the simplicity of the S-Ride Electric Bicycle, the power of the RKS EBike 1000W, or the versatility of the Merax Electric Mountain Bike, there's an e-bike ready to revolutionize your daily commute and outdoor adventures. Choose the e-bike that aligns with your lifestyle, budget, and riding preferences, and experience the convenience and joy of electric cycling. With these top-quality electric bicycles from Daraz.pk, you can reduce your environmental impact, save on commuting costs, and enjoy the freedom of effortless riding. So, embark on a greener and more efficient journey with an electric bicycle and join the sustainable transportation revolution!

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